
Manage your infrastructure in one place


  1. Create a directory for your project:
$ mkdir myinfra && cd myinfra
  1. Create your Shelterfile.rb and define your environment:
Shelter::CLI::App.config do |c|
  # All of them are optional
  c.ansible_directory = 'ansible'
  c.stack_directory = 'stack'
  c.plugin_directory = 'plugin'
  c.inventory_directory = 'inventory'
  c.resource_directory = 'resources'
  c.secure_root = ENV.fetch('CHEPPERS_SECURE')
  1. Create the directory structure
$ mkdir -p ansible stack plugin inventory resources/templates
  1. Create your first Ansible playbook: ansible/configuration.yaml
- name: Ping all hosts
  hosts: all
    - ping:

Manage secrets

TODO: make its own page

# List all existing secret files
bundle exec shelter vault list

# Example how to read aws creds from secure
bundle exec shelter vault view /staging/aws_creds

# Example how to create a new secret file/scope (for format, you can view an existing one)
bundle exec create vault view /staging/something

# Example how to edit a secret file
bundle exec create vault update /staging/nginx_creds