
Manage your infrastructure in one place

Define a Stack

Create a directory under your stack directory (eg: random_stack) and create your template there. cli.rb will be loaded.

# stack/random_stack/cli.rb:
module Stack
  class RandomStack < Shelter::CLI::Stack::CloudFormation
    set_attr :stack_name, 'random'
    set_attr :template_file, File.expand_path('template.yaml', File.dirname(__FILE__))
    set_attr :meta, {
      type: 'development',
      client: 'cheppers',
      application: 'random'
    set_attr :capabilities, ['CAPABILITY_IAM']
    set_attr :tags, {
      my_extra: 'my extra tag'
    set_attr :parameters, {
      SSHKeyName: 'random-one'
    set_attr :deletable, true

Define your CloudFormation template in the template.yaml file under the same directory.

[Soon, I will update this as well]

If you want to collaborate on documentation, you can find the relevant ticket here.