
TOTP CLI tool written in Go.

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This is a simple TOTP (Time-based One-time Password) CLI tool. TOTP is the most common mechanism for 2FA (Two-Factor-Authentication). You can manage and organize your accounts with namespaces and protect your data with a password.


Download the latest version of the application from the releases page.

Users on macOS can also install the package using MacPorts:

sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install totp-cli

or Homebrew:

brew install totp-cli


$ totp-cli update

Upgrading from totp-cli v1.2.7 or below

Starting with totp-cli v1.2.8 a more secure storage format is used. The storage will be upgraded the first time it is written to by totp-cli. You can force this to occur by running totp-cli change-password.

Help output

$ totp-cli help

version                           Print current version of this application
add-token [namespace] [account]   Add new token
delete <namespace> [account]      Delete an account or a whole namespace
instant                           Generate an OTP from TOTP_TOKEN or stdin without the Storage backend
list [namespace]                  List all available namespaces or accounts under a namespace
update                            Check and update totp-cli itself
change-password                   Change password
dump [namespace]                  Dump all available namespaces or accounts under a namespace
generate <namespace> <account>    Generate a specific OTP
help [command]                    Display this help or a command specific help


When you run the application for the first time, it will ask for your password. DO NOT FORGET IT! There is no way to recover your password if you forget it.

Your first command (after help) would be add-token. You get get your token read a TOTP QR Code.

$ totp-cli add-token
Namespace: personal
Account: digitalocean
Password: ***

You can specify the namespace and the account name as a parameter:

$ totp-cli add-token personal randomaccount
Password: ***

If you want to delete randomaccount (because it was a test for example), you can use delete:

$ totp-cli delete personal.randomaccount
Password: ***
You want to delete 'personal.randomaccount' account.
Are you sure? yes

After few accounts, it’s a bit hard to remember what did you added, so you can list namespaces:

$ totp-cli list
Password: ***
company1 (Number of accounts: 3)
company2 (Number of accounts: 5)
personal (Number of accounts: 8)

or you can list your accounts under a specific namespace:

$ totp-cli list personal
Password: ***

If you want to change your password, you can do it with the change-password command.

Changing the location of the credentials file

Simply put this into your .zshrc (or .{YourShell}rc or .profile):

export TOTP_CLI_CREDENTIAL_FILE="/mnt/mydrive/totp-credentials"

Or call the client with TOTP_CLI_CREDENTIAL_FILE:

$ TOTP_CLI_CREDENTIAL_FILE=/mnt/mydrive/totp-credentials totp-cli list

Note: It’s a filename not just a directory.

Note: It does not traverse through the given path, parent directory has to be there already.

Zsh Completion

A function to provide tab-completion for zsh is in the file _totp-cli. When installing or packaging totp-cli this should preferably be installed in $prefix/share/zsh/site-functions. Otherwise, it can be installed by copying to a directory where zsh searches for completion functions (the $fpath array). If you, for example, put all completion functions into the folder ~/.zsh/completions you must add the following to your zsh main config file (.zshrc):

fpath=( ~/.zsh/completions $fpath )
autoload -U compinit